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The Impact of Urban Farming

The Impact of Urban Farming

Urban farming is not a new concept, but it has gained renewed attention in recent years. Once, this practice of producing food in heavily populated areas driven by water shortages and scarcity of agricultural land.

Though that is not the case in the United States, urban farms are on the rise, even in unexpected places. Think rooftops, abandoned buildings and neglected plots of land.

Restaurant rooftop gardens have become a recent trend. By growing herbs and vegetables literally steps away from their customers, chefs can provide some of the freshest locally-sourced dishes.

But more than maximizing space or giving new life to abandoned areas, urban farming has environmental, economic, social and health benefits.

Benefits of Urban Farming


Urban farming is good for the environment. Because food can be produced closer to home, it doesn’t have to be transported from thousands of miles away. Rooftop farms can also help cool buildings. Both of these can help reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, rooftop farms can help enhance the urban landscape and improve well-being. They can literally help cities go greener.


 Keeping food production local can help stimulate the economy. According to the Community Food Security Coalition, every $1 invested in a community garden generates $6 worth of vegetables. Through the help of urban gardening, localizing production can help stabilize food costs.


 Urban farming can help strengthen the bonds of the community. Through establishing or working in the garden, people become more involved in their neighborhood and each other. Through the attention and care the garden receives, the appearance of the neighborhood improves. It is also ideal for use in educational programs, using hands on learning as a teaching tool.


 Nurturing a garden can help those who work in it eat healthier because of their close contact with production. In urban areas, such gardens can provide some families with an additional source of low-cost produce. Studies have confirmed that exposure to nature and vegetation can help reduce anxiety and increase productivity.

Want to start your own urban garden? Whether it’s in a container, a greenhouse or you need the tools to support an outdoor garden, call us at 1-800-531-4769 or visit, and we can help!