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Most Efficient Ways to Water Plants in Your Greenhouse

Most Efficient Ways to Water Plants in Your Greenhouse

Many different types of greenhouse irrigation can be used to properly water the plants in your greenhouse. This article will give you tips on how to efficiently water the plants in your greenhouse regardless of the irrigation method you use. 

Automated greenhouse irrigation systems can help uniformly water plants in a greenhouse, but these systems may not be practical for a hobby gardener or a small grower.  

There are several factors that determine when and how much you should water your plants. Consider these tips to ensure you are doing that most efficiently.

Greenhouse Irrigation Tips

Tips on When to Water:

The color or the moisture level of the growing medium is a good indicator of when a plant needs water. As the surface color becomes lighter, it’s usually time to add water. Another test is to squeeze some of the growing medium in your hand, and if little to no moisture is present or if it falls apart, the plant should be watered. Use this as a general guide, as crop type, time of day, current season and weather also affect when water is needed.

Tips on How Much Water to Apply:

Growers can apply less water at more frequent intervals to avoid saturating the growing medium. The growing medium can also be purposefully saturated to retain more water. Either way, the growing medium will need sufficient time to dry. Shallow watering helps prevent root disease, particularly earlier in the plant’s life cycle. Too much water can result in root disease or slower growth rates. The challenge with each method is providing plants the same amount of water.

Tips on Watering by Season:

Day length, sun intensity and temperature determine how quickly growing medium dries out. During sunny spring days, plants may need more water because the medium will quickly dry. On cloudy and rainy days in the spring, plants may need less, especially closer to the evening. Plants that don’t have a chance to dry out can be susceptible to mildew and fungus. In winter, plants need even less water because the growing medium dries out slower. Plants watered earlier in the day will be able to dry before the sun sets.

For hobbyists and smaller growers, hand watering may be sufficient. It allows the gardener to evaluate the condition of their plants and take action if any signs of disease or pests are present. Irrigation systems help ensure that plants receive the amount of water they need when they need it. 

Gothic Arch Greenhouses has the irrigation systems you need! Call us at 800-531-4769 and let our knowledgeable experts help you select the one that’s right for your operation.

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