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Light Deprivation System

Light deprivation is an agricultural growing technique that controls how much, and how often plants receive light. Light deprivation greenhouses accomplish this by using blackout material to cover the plants, simulating different seasonal changes. The resulting darkness tricks plants into responding by growing or flowering on command. This technique allows growers to reduce the time necessary for plants to reach maturity, and enjoy extend their growing season.

Light Deprivation Basics

During vegetative growth, plants are bombarded with light that allows them to grow at rapid rates. Some plants grow up to two inches per day during the summer months and, in response to shortened periods of light, only flower in the fall when the daylight hours are shorter. This is where the absence of light, or light deprivation, comes into play. These plants require twelve or more hours of uninterrupted darkness every day.

Once you start the light deprivation cycle, most plants will begin to react in a few days. After a few weeks, flowering and blooming will begin rapidly producing a higher yield. This process can be repeated multiple times throughout a year, greatly extending your growing season.

Best Plants for Light Deprivation Greenhouses

Most plants and flowers that typically grow in the fall will benefit from a light deprivation greenhouse. They are accustomed to shorter days and longer nights than spring and summer plants. Some of the fall bloomers that do well with light derivation are:

  • Asters
  • Christmas Cactus
  • Cosmos
  • Mums
  • Mushrooms
  • Poinsettas
  • Vanilla Beans
  • Zinnias

Automated Light Deprivation

We offer a range of automated light deprivation systems and accessories. Automated light deprivation systems are specifically designed and engineered to promote success and functionality. They allow you to program operations ahead of time and your greenhouse with automatically cover and uncover your crops at the designated times. Automated systems are fairly self sufficient and cut down greatly on labor hours and costs.

Manual Light Deprivation

While automated systems are highly recommended, there are ways to achieve full light deprivation without an automated system. We offer a variety of cold frames, hoop houses, black out tarps and blackout films that allow you manually cover and uncover your plants at your chosen intervals.

Grow Lighting

Correct lighting is important for the health of almost all plants. Without proper spectrum and intensity, your crops are less likely to thrive. The type of lighting you will need greatly depends upon the plants that you are growing. Knowing the lighting requirements for your specific plants is key to creating an optimum growing environment.

High Pressure Sodium (HPS)

  • Most effective High Intensity Discharge (HID) light available

  • Doubles available light

  • High yellow, orange and red spectrums

  • Promotes Flowering

  • Can be used commercially or residentially

Light Emitting Diode (LED)

  • More light per watt than fluorescent or HID lights

  • Low energy and heat output

  • Can be customized to put out a specific wavelength of light

  • A traditionally more compact system

Light Emitting Plasma (LEP)

  • Full spectrum light output

  • Uses approx. 50% less energy than HID lamps = lower operational costs

  • Longer lifespan than other grow lights

Whether you have an up and running commercial operation or if you are just starting your residential greenhouse, a Gothic Arch Greenhouses specialist can help you identify the type of light deprivation system is right for you. Call us today at 1-800-531-4769 .